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Services & Fees

Developmental Editing: Editorial Letter and Notes


This service includes an intensive critique of your current manuscript with notes on the manuscript and a detailed letter with suggestions on how to develop the story as a whole. The critique will address the main story arc, character development, story structure, setting, dialogue, language/style, subplots, and thematic ideas in your piece. It also includes a discussion of current market trends and how your story fits with them.


Picture Books/Early Reader (up to 1,800 words):


20¢ per word, with a minimum charge of $150  


Early Chapter Books (1,801 to 5,000 words):


15¢ per word, with a minimum charge of $300


Chapter Books (5,001 to 10,000 words):


10¢ per word, with a minimum charge of $500


MG or YA Non-fiction & Novels (10,001  and up):


3¢ per word, with a minimum charge of $800


Memoir, Non-fiction, & Novels for the grown-up world:


3.5¢ per word, with a minimum charge of $1000


If you have questions about these services,

or would like to discuss working on your story together,

please send a message via the contact page 😊 



Line Editing: Proofing, corrections, and wording changes


This service is only available to clients who have had a developmental edit and are in need of assistance in the final edit before submitting for publication. It will include final checks for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and consistency of voice. There will be minor changes to the wording for clarity and style. if needed, the text will be fact-checked for accuracy. 


         Picture Books (up to 1,800 words):


15¢ per word, with a minimum charge of $100


Early Reader & Chapter Books (1,801 to 5,000 words):


10¢ per word, with a minimum charge of $200


Chapter Books (5,001 to 10,000 words):


5¢ per word, with a minimum charge of $300


MG or YA Non-fiction or Novels (10,001  and up):


2¢ per word, with a minimum charge of $500


Memoir, Non-fiction, & Novels for the grown-up world:


 2.5¢ per word, with a minimum charge of $700


If you have questions about these services,

or would like to discuss working on your story together,

please send a message via the contact page 😊

Co-Writing & Ghostwriting


Sometimes you may find yourself with a fabulous idea, but lacking the time or the wherewithal to take it any further. Hiring a co-writer or ghostwriter can get the job done when you need to let it go.


With co-writing, we would work together and share credit as authors. With ghostwriting, we would still work together to make sure your idea is brought to fruition, but you would retain all credit for authorship. Because each project can have many variables, please contact Annie to discuss pricing and options via the contact page.

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